Year: 2022

Medium: 3D clear print

Award: president’s special prize, Sanwa art award2o22

Exhibited at: Oosaka kansai international

art fair 2022

Material: 3D print , stone

Size: W500 x H450 x D300mm

In an era where digital transformation blurs our true identity, this exhibition intertwines Derrida's concept of "differance" with Buddhist principles. Central to the display is the Bodhi tree, known as the site of Buddha's enlightenment, symbolizing unity with the universe. Surrounding it, paintings that mimic reflecting water surfaces evoke a connection with nature, encouraging visitors to search for their genuine selves amidst shifting identities.

In our digital age, saturated by media's pervasive influence, deciphering genuine identity becomes an intricate endeavor. This digital mirage often veils our quest for truth. However, Jacques Derrida's philosophy of "différance" underscores the fluidity and deferment of meaning, resonating with our present-day identity conundrums.

Amidst this, Buddhist principles, especially the notions of "anatta" (non-self) and the "middle way," offer profound insights into understanding our true essence. Central to this exhibition is the iconic "Bodaiju" or Bodhi tree, the symbolic site of Buddha's enlightenment—a confluence of the individual with the universe.

Accompanying this, the "Re_flection" installation embodies moments when individuals perceived their identities interwoven with nature and the collective. The strategically placed Datekan stone, once revered by Isamu Noguchi, evokes both temporal depth and natural connection.

Here, the metaphorical water mirror converges the philosophy of "anatta" with Derrida's "différance," creating a canvas of ever-shifting identities. This curated space beckons visitors to transcend contemporary ambiguities, inviting introspection into their authentic selves.







Hopeful Monster Red /Installation/Performance (2022)


Sound Harmonization/Installation(2017)